
Season 4 Episode 3 "In The End"

Season 4 Episode 3 "In The End"

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Welcome to another week of what is basically showing off. This week for some reason I saved up most of my shows and watched them all on one day, im not sure how I feel about this might not be doing it again, we shall see.

Recently I have been trying to add opening titles to my Instagram posts as the photos were looking a bit plain and static, but I have been running into problems so am having to go back to the images for now. I am looking into upgrading me pc to solve some of the issues hopefully.

This is week three in order yo help me get into a routine I am trying to beat my previous streeks, so far last season only lasted three episodes (posts) the season before that was only 9 or 10 episodes long depending on how you count it, for some reason two posts had the same episode number and the opening season went all the way to 16 episodes.

To help me beat my previous runs, I have a patron page, at the moment it’s only really a way for anyone crazy enough can donate a £1.
I may do exclusive things on there in the future if I can think of anything.

“Just one more thing” please don’t forget that if you like what you see here but like me not a fan of reading I have an Instagram where I post Photo’s and Videos (when I can) every time I am watching (most days).

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Renewed - Cancelled - Ordered

Its still a very slow news week so I'm going to just do as I always do
and just say if you are looking for something to watch my go to show is

Parenthood the NBC drama that I think about almost once a week. It ended January 2015.

Ok back to your regularly scheduled programming

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I Have Been Watching

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The Great North S1 E2 “Feast of Not People Adventure“

Fox - Comedy/Animation

America is one of the only countries making family/Adult animation so much that they have a day just for it. So whenever a new show is added to the list of classic’s (The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bob’s Burgers) it’s going to have to do something to make it stand out.

In comes “The Great North” a shows about a family living in Alaska, So far they showed a preview episode a few weeks ago and then decided to show another episode in preparation for when it starts in its regular time slot.

The most recent episode was about “Fest of Not People day” a weird local festival where they celebrate not eating people, after original settlers having to eat the dead when they arrived in the dead of winter with no way of keeping warm. Part of this festival is the “Cake Lady” bakes a cake big enough to feed the whole town. But after the “Cake Lady,” was arrested, everyone is wondering who the new “cake lady.” Is.

Another tradition is the “Cadaver Race” where they have to run into the forest and find a local pretending to be a corpse and bring them back to the finish line.

When the stress of being the “Cake Lady.” Gets to Ham, he decides to hand his whisk into the mayor but is stopped when Judy offers to help him develop a theme for this year’s cake.

This show has already been renewed for a second season, showing how much faith Fox has in it even with only showing two episodes. I hope the show can keep up its current standard.

Grown-ish S3 E9 “Public Service Announcement“

Freeform - Comedy

Back for the rest of its Third season, Grown-ish is a show that generally gets pushed to one side, and I end up with multiple-episode to watch, But with some space in the schedule, I am trying to keep up with most of my shows where I can.

Grown-ish returned with Zoey working on a video shot as the wardrobe department and counting down the days until she has a few free days to go and catch up with her girlfriends at University,

And also catching up with Arron after they kissed at a party but when she discovers he is dating someone else she starts to feel left out, and her friends are moving one without her.

Many shows like to expand their universe (Chicago, FBI, 911 and Law & Order) but none have done it as well as the Ish franchise, starting with Black-ish then when Zoey’s character was moving away to college they gave her, her own show and even gave it it’s won feel. Then they gave us the brilliant Mixed-ish a show about Rainbows upbringing on the 80’s having recently moved from a commune to regular house and school. Also in the works is Old-ish about Pop’s and Ruby, who recently got married again.

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Young Sheldon S4 E6 “Freshman Orientation and the Inventor of the Zipper”

CBS - Comedy

Back from its winter break Young Sheldon returns with a classic episode. Having convinced his parents to let him go to college its orientation day but Sheldon doesn’t want his Mom around and want to do it himself. But not everything goes to plan. First, he can’t find a copy of the textbook he needs that he likes from pre-owned ones in the college bookshop. Then Sheldon gets a slushy spilt onto this white shirt and finally has trouble with the zip on his trousers leading to them getting ripped and Sheldon having to tape them with Duck Tape. Meanwhile, Mary meets up with an old friend of Sheldon’s from his study group, and she offers to show her around until Sheldon is ready to go home.

For a show with a lot of its story already told all be it in small bits within “The Big Bang Theory” its good to see new stories coming to light and making the universe better and well rounded.

Bull S5 E6 “To Save a Life“

CBS - Drama/Crime

For a show into its fifth season, you would think that the writers would be starting to struggle for ideas to keep it fresh. But what they have done well is slowly moving Chuck’s character into a position where he can have a more prominent role. This weeks episode demonstrated this perfectly.

With Benny running for D.A. it means Chuck is being given more case’s but having only recently passed the Bar exam he is having trouble dealing with the way Bull likes to work within the court room.  When an emergency room doctor is being sued for ignoring orders, which ultimately leads to a loss of life, she asks TAC to help with her case.

This episode shows how people see things; differently, everybody decides who needs help first in their way, and this could lead to malpractice.

I hope they don’t forget about Benny and he gets more screen time this season both in the courtroom and on the campaign trail running for D.A.

For anyone who has read my posts before Bull is a first watch show. Not to get it done with but as I want to know what is going to happen next. That is not only down to the actors but also the writing.

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Superstore S6 E6 “Biscuit“

NBC - Comedy

For Superstore’s final season I am enjoying the fact they are using all the periphery cast. I can see how easy it would be to use the same people. But this season has been great, from Amy moving to California to work at the Head Office and ultimately splitting from Jonah to Glen getting his Managers job back.

This current episode was focused on Glen. After finally getting out of quarantine, he finds it hard when the employees keep going to Dina for help. When Dina tells one employee to go home as she has food poisoning, Glen believes he should have told her to go home and get some rest and starts to question her about what she has eaten but as soon as she starts to throw up into a bin he mediately agrees with Dina and sends her home.

Glen’s so unhappy with the situation that he asks Bo to get some of his friends to try and steal from the store. He tells him that it’s a training exercise to find any weak spots in the store and where they need to in the store and need to improve.

After Bo tells more of his friends about the “Exercise” the store is overrun with thieves. This leads to Glen and Dina asking Head Office if they can be Co-Manager.

This new partnership is going to make this a great season, and I can’t wait to see how this is going to conclude.

Gold Rush: White Water S4 E8 “Dustin to the Rescue“

Discovery - Reality

For a premise with so many shows, amazingly, I keep coming back each week, I could easily save them up and binge it in one go but the fascination of people Gold mining in the current day is impressive. What’s more amazing is that people are doing it in raging cold water.

This week we got to see Dustin help Fred move a giant boulder that’s a hazard to the divers. After five hours trying to move the rock, Fred admits defeats. So the next day, Dustin and his crew take over their mine site and use his new stone cracking tool to break apart.

From the start, Dustin was having problems with how Fred’s crew work and had to keep himself from getting to annoyed and that it would be an hour or two at most.
But after Carlos was having trouble drilling the holes needed, he had to switch the drill bits for shorter ones and then go back and used the longer ones to make sure the holes are deep enough.

This would be a time problem by itself, but the battery’s they have don’t last long, and it takes a lot longer to get replacements in Alaska. Finally after two explosions, the massive rock is now in smaller, more manageable chunks. This helps them find gold nuggets and make more gold in one day then the rest of the season.

I like shows where you can see the progression from the start of a season to the end and this year’s looking to be a perfect demonstration for this.

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week three is in the can, Thank you for coming back for another look.

I hope i have not put you off and you can come back next week, even if it’s just to see how long this season can to 16 to beat the current record

like I ask any of my TV loving friend's If I have missed a show that you think I should be checking out please let me know.

Once again Thank You and later days

Season 4 Episode 4: "A Real Mixed Bag"

Season 4 Episode 4: "A Real Mixed Bag"

Season 4, Episode 2 "I have a challenge for you."

Season 4, Episode 2 "I have a challenge for you."