
Season 4, Episode 2 "I have a challenge for you."

Season 4, Episode 2 "I have a challenge for you."

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Welcome back to another week of my viewing habits. This is for week two. If I can make it past week 4, I will have beaten last season's run. Most seasons, I get cancelled mid-run. I still don't know who recommissions me every year, but I will keep on trying to get a full season on the web.

I promise I am trying to get more organized this year. I have a diary I know an actual physical thing I can hold in my hands to list my shows. Anything important I need to remember. This should make the Sunday part much quicker.

As mentioned last week, I have stupidly set up a Patreon page. The main reason for this is that if I get any money for this, I will feel obliged to pots each week and get into a rhythm and speed things up. Maybe even get better at it.
If you would like to help me, I would be forever grateful.

I don't always remember to mention this, but I have an Instagram account where I post what I am watching (sounds familiar) right after the show has ended. If you would like to see even more of what I watch (I only talk about one show pre-day here),
please give me a follow.

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Renewed - Cancelled - Ordered

I have done my best to look for any news for this week but could not find anything.

Will keep my ear to the ground and see what I can find for next week.
And that’s was the news.

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I Have Been Watching

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Shameless S11 E4 “NIMBY”

showtime - Comedy/Drama

As Shameless starts to come to an end with this final season. It's incredible to see some many of the characters so far away from their humble beginnings. In recent episodes Lips have been working on fixing up his house, Ian is not working has security transporting money from "The Alibi" to the bank.

Debbie has her own business being a "handyman" and Carl is a police officer, oh who time flys.

In this weeks episode, Carl got a new training officer who does not always stick to the rules like taking the cloths and wig of a street worker or braking up a drug den and wanting to arrest everyone even people who were only watching and not getting involved. I'm interested to see if this partnership will or can last. Also this week Ian and Mickey started to pick up and deliver the money made by "The Alibi" from there legal drug sales. Meanwhile, Lip was introduced to one of Tami's old school teachers that she used to date. When he brought his new girlfriend round to see Lips handy work when Tami saw the massive age difference between the two of them she saw just have bad it was when she was dating him. For its final season, it's great to see they are moving the story along and not only tie up loses ends.

The Good Doctor S6 E4 “Lim“

ABC - Drama/Medical

Anyone who has been here before will know I like an excellent Medical show and watch a few a week. The good Doctor is a show that has been paced brilliantly from the start when we saw Shawn struggling to fit into the hospital world to now where he has to try and become a teacher to the new med students.

The latest episode, Shawn was having problems not taking over when he was having trouble explaining what the students needed to do, but after Dr Lim said she would supervise his supervision that made things a little easier. Meanwhile, Dr Lim is struggling to deal with possible PTSD from the Covid crisis. Like most of the Medical shows, they are highlighting the struggle of the covid situation on a hospital, and I think this might be the first to show how it can affect a person dealing with it, and they are doing it perfectly. Not going over the top or downplaying it but being open and accurate to the situation and I hope more shows can do that.

Once this is over, I hope this show can expand the area's they cover and not just focus on the current crisis.

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The Resident S4 E1 “A wedding, A funeral“

Fox - Drama/Medical

Like "The Good Doctor" before "The Resident" is also taking advantage of the pandemic, but in the opening episode of season 4 they told the story from the first patient with the virus all the way up the current day with the wedding of Conrad and Nic. Along the way showed the effects brilliantly by having nurse Hundley contracting the virus but not wanting to come into the hospital until extremely necessary. This meant self-isolating from her family and staying in one room until the last minute when she finally came into the hospital. After being in the hospital for some time, it became clear she would need to be put into a coma of sorts to help give her lungs time to recover.

At the other end of the emotion scale, Dr Prevesh struggled to get his father to stay indoors and not drive his taxi, and after contracting the virus and eventually dying from it. The episode finished with Prevesh watching back a recent video of his dad on a plane on his way to the funeral. What I liked about this episode was they didn't just tell the happy story they also told the other side of it, that not everyone is going to make it though

What I also enjoyed about this week episode was the story of the useless PPE equipment being provided by the hospital. When Conrad confronted Logan Kim, the hospital's VP, he was told that all hospitals were struggling to get decent PPE, and there was nothing he could do about it. But after being told he didn't have a heart, he managed to get proper PPC equipment but in doing so has put his job on the line.

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The Goldbergs S8 E8 “Bevy’s big murder mystery party“

ABC - Comedy

After a month off The Goldbergs were back and on great form. The return episode saw Adam and Beverly try to host a murder mystery party after going to the cinema to see "Clue", both for different reasons. Adams loved the idea of a story being played out in real-time and Beverly just wanted to host a posh dinner party. But after it gets ruined by Murry when he lets out who the murderer is, what they used and where it took place.
But when the story becomes real after Bill almost died from eating something he is allergic to, everyone blames each other, so distrust starts to come in. Meanwhile at college Erica is finding it difficult to pick a major she tries a few different classes but ultimately joins Barry in pre-med.

When it is clear Barry is smarter than her in class, she is teamed up with him for a practical lesson involving a human foot she gets her self and barry kicked out the course and has to apologize and try to get Barry back into the course and on his way to becoming a doctor.

After successfully doing so, Barry tells her that she's good at it she decides to take a law course.

Shows based in one decade have always been, hit or miss (that 70's show good that 80's show bad) but what I believe makes this show stand out is that not every story is centred around an 80's thing, the collage story could happen at any time and so could the murder mystery party just without the "Clue" setup.

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Mr Mayor S1 E1 – 2 “Pilot“ “Mayor’s day out“

NBC - Comedy

After the success of "The Good Place," it was always going to be hard for any of the cast to star in another show, but Ted Danson is the first to do so with Mr Mayor.

In this show, Neil Bremer, a retired businessman, runs for LA Major and wins and now has to deal with everything that comes along with it. From having to spend most days going around LA doing press conferences and photo ops. Along with that, he also has to deal with rivels trying to undermine his ideas until he brings her into his staff to keep an eye on.

In the first episode, Mayor Bremer ban's all plastic straws which not only brought Apri Meskimen to public attention but showing the types of people this ban was going to affect, but it also brought tension and arguments with his daughter. She was running for class president with the same agender. And when her classmates thought she had stolen the idea she was convinced she was going to lose and was going to drop out of the race.

In the second episode, Mayor Bremer had to cut the ribbon at the new marijuana store and then poses for photos at the local elementary school. During the show, Bremer was told not to eat in public as it could be photographed and turned into a meme. Still, after eating a few weed gummies, he was completely high and not only weirdly ate the pizza, but outside a sports stadium, he attacked the mascot after getting paranoid from the gummies.

I'm not 100% sure about this show just yet, I am enjoying it, but it's not a go-to first show for the day, I might watch it a few days later or when I have a few saved up and watch a few in one go.

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Call me Kat S1 E3 “Vacation“

Fox - Comedy

For whatever reason, I had no idea this show was in the works until the first ep aired, but after watching it, it reminded me of a British show, and after doing some research I discovered I was right. It is a US remake of a UK show called Maranda. What is different about this shows is that Kat will talk straight down to camera to you, like the hello, welcome at the start and the waving goodbye from the cast at the end. Also, she sometimes talks to you mid-scene with the rest of the cast, not noticing.

In the third episode, Kat is excited after winning a free trip for two to Puerto Rico, but after not having anyone to go with and after being told not to go anywhere alone by her mother, Kat decides to check into a local hotel so she can look brave to her friends, but when she uses a name on a list to get into a conference to get a free lobster, she unknowingly picks that main speaker at a whisky tasting event for possible buyers.

Also while Kat is "on holiday" she leaves Randi & Phil in charge of the café, but after forgetting the password to the new till system, they implement a pay what you can policy so they don't have to open the till for change.

This is looking to be a show I can fit into any day I have a free slot or even in-between hour-long shows just to break things up which is that I do with most half-hour comedies

Well week two is done, Thank You for sticking it out to the bottom of the page
(unless you're like me and just scrolled past everything else to see what was down here)

I hope to see you back here again next week.
I also hope I have intrigued you into checking out a new show (well that is my ultimate goal.

If I have missed a show that you think I should be checking out please let me know.
Once again Thank You and good night

Season 4 Episode 3 "In The End"

Season 4 Episode 3 "In The End"

Season 4 Episode 1: “Shut it down shut it all down”

Season 4 Episode 1: “Shut it down shut it all down”