
Season 4 Episode 16: "Time Is Running Out"

Season 4 Episode 16: "Time Is Running Out"

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Welcome to this weeks post.

As I’m back to my regular work schedule I have been a bit behind on my viewing but I’m getting used to being back to work so can start planning my evening better.

Thank you for returning again and I hope you enjoy the shows I Have Been Watching

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If you are new and don’t know already,

I have an Instagram account where I post a small image of the show I’m watching; it’s a complete list, then this weekly blog and also more up to date.

Below is just some of the recent posts to get an idea of how my post’s look; if you like what you see, please think about following me.
I am trying to get to 100, and I’m at 91 at the time of writing. So only 9 more to go.

And now finally On with the news     

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Renewed - Cancelled - Ordered

Welcome to this weeks news.

A slow stream of news has now completely dried up.
I’m hoping for more news to start in the coming weeks.

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I Have Been Watching

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist S2 E10 “Zoeys Extraordinary Girls Night”

NBC – Comedy/Drama/Musical

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It’s difficult to find fault with anything Zoeys playlist recently. The ending of last week’s episode was heartwrenching, and starting this week’s episode right where they left off was perfect. I immediately remembered everything they had done to get to this play. The main story continuing from last week was Emily was dealing with her emotions but trying her best to hide them from her husband, David.

At the same time, he can see something is wrong, but every time he asks about it, Emily tells him she’s fine and doesn’t want to push her on it. So it’s down to Zoey to try and get everyone talking and try and help Emily feel better.

Also, within this episode, Maggie calls upon an old friend to help her get out there and meet new people, so she doen;t have to keep seeing her old couple friends and feel like a sour thumb. It takes her to a local casino where she is encouraged to become someone else, create a fake persona, and start talking to people.

During Zoey’s time trying to discover what is upsetting Emily, she plans to have a “Check Up Chicken.” Meal. This was a thing the family did every month or so. Her father would make a chicken dish, and everyone would share a story of what was going on in their life recently, how they were feeling and how they could help the family. I love this idea and hope more people start doing this, even if it’s just to get people talking about their feeling’s.

I am still loving this show and can’t wait for the next episode. It’s going to be challenging to beat this one but good luck trying.

Bull S5 E12 “Evidence To The Contrary.”

CBS – Comedy/Crime/Drama

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Following on from last weeks episode, this one picks up right after the previous ep ended. The previous week’s episode saw a convicted murderer try and prove he was wrongly jailed and now as new evidence to prove this. But after getting equities and a release put in place, his son, who was helping him with his appeal, was arrested for murder. This made this episode almost a complete mirror of last weeks one.

One of the problems TAC was going to have was to make it difficult for the opposition to use the defendants association with Black Live Matter as a way to paint him in a bad light.

This episode used the stubbornness of people perfectly. During jury selection, TAC was trying its best to pick people who come early, have their mind changed in the face of new evidence and eliminate people who were not chance their opinions even if new and compelling evidence was presented to them. After a few dismissals, the opposing counsel tried to say they were using racial bias and then meant the one person they didn’t want on the jury was now part of it.

At the end of the episode, Bull had a chance to talk to the stubborn woman from the jury who stayed in the jury box a little longer than the other members and asked if she was ok and this shows just what happens when everything you believe to be true is turned upside down.

New Amsterdam S3 E8 “Catch”

NBC – Drama

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New Amsterdam is a show you can rely on to tackle complex subjects. This episode saw the hospital complete with expectant mothers after a few local hospitals had to shut down their maternity wards after being sued by a mother how believed to have been mistreated.

But when this famous mother was admitted into the hospital, Karen was concerned she may try and sue the hospital and get it shut down like the previous ones. During the intake process, Max has to explain that an algorithm they use to determine if the mother can deliver her baby normally shows she may have to have a c section to help with the birth. This makes the mother unhappy and discharges herself to have the baby at home. Even Max telling her about the problems he had when his child was born at home and that it caused the death of his wife. It was only when things got worse on her way out of the hospital did she reluctantly return to her room.

Later, when Max returned to her room and told everybody to stop what they were doing to ask how they could help, he agreed to her having the baby in the usual way. But to do that, he had to lie on her form and say she was white of her final score was low enough that he would not get into trouble.

Also, in this week’s episode, Iggy had to help a patient who was in labour but did not believe it as she was a virgin. The only problem is that he’s on the clock as the courts plan to demand an emergency c section. Iggy has a plan to get his patient to deliver the baby naturally by bringing in an “expert” to tell her she has a blockage and she needs to push it out. So when she feels the pain flare-up, she needs to push.

This episode was a great way to show how fantastic childbirth can be, both good and the bad, and it also shows why this show is consistently good.

Manifest S3 E4 “Tailspin”

NBC – Drama/Mystery/Sci-fi


Ok, let me start off by saying I think Manifest is a great show, but this season has started to give me “Lost” vibes. By that, I mean I’m not sure if they know where they are going. I believe they had to start. The plane goes missing and returns years later, and they have an endpoint, but the bit in-between is being made up as to go. It would not surplice me if they all died on the plain, and only now is it being recovered was parts of the crashed plane is being found around the world. This would explain how a piece was found by a fishing boat near Cuba.

In this weeks episode, Angelina and Grace work to help one of the newly returned “Meth Heads.” Who is starting to get callings but is stuck in jail so is unable to follow them.  Michaela & Zeke but follow Pete’s callings to help him defeat his “Death Date.” This leads them to his old football coach from high school, who had to drop him from the team after he was found selling drugs to the other players. When Michaela and Zeke confronted Pete as to why he didn’t tell them about the drug selling, he confest that he was being forced to sell them by the coach. This information leads to the arrest of the coach after drugs were found in his house.

In the other storyline for this episode, Ben and Saanvi met up with NSA Director Vance, who had returned from Cuba and been tasked with running the investigation into flight 828. During his time inside the warehouse, Ben discovered just who much information they had uncovered. With Ben’s recent activity after touching the tail fin and his hand starting to glow brightly, he thought it best not to tell Vance as he would end up a science experiment. But when he touched the tail fin again and nothing happened, he knows something else was going on that they were not telling him. So after following a calling, he found a passenger believed to have been shot suspended in a liquid.

With every new revelation that keeps coming from each episode, I always look forward to another episode. Still, I just hope they have a plan and are not just shouting out crazy ideas, thinking that if they can make a plane disappear and then reappear years later, they can do just about anything because it won’t take long for the ratings to drop.

And there we have it. That’s another update done. Just a quick reminder, please don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and if you have enjoyed that I have been doing here and want it to continue, please consider becoming a patron.

Once again Thanks and goodnight

Season 4 Episode 17: "Personal Best"

Season 4 Episode 17: "Personal Best"

Season 4 Episode 15: "Slow Week, Must Do Better"

Season 4 Episode 15: "Slow Week, Must Do Better"