
Season 3 Episode 2: One step at a time

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Good evening and welcome back to I Have Been Watching.

After a windows update making my computer a over sized brick making last weeks post imposable and most of my free time taken up with fixing it eating into my TV time this weeks viewing is a but all over the place.

Anyway here is this weeks I Have Been Watching Update.

Thanks you.

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Renewed - Cancelled - Ordered


This week only show to be renewed this week is the first in the “Ish” family “Grown-ish” for it’s forth season after only just premiered it’s season 3, Grown-ish was my show of the year it’s opening season and it’s still one of my favs and hope it can continue after collage.

The only show on my watch list that has been pulled effectively cancelling it is “Almost Family”. I have not started it yet and may leave it for when I have a dry spell.

Also as far as i’m aware I have not heard of any shows getting picked-up take my fancy.

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I Have Been Watching


Mom - A Depressed Garden Gnome and a Mud Flap
CBS - Season 7 Episode 12.


Most sitcom shows seem to get missed of lists of essential shows when it comes to big subjects or topics, but Mom as always been great at balancing the funny with the important. This weeks episode was a perfect example. On the one hand, you had Tammy offers to make a shelf for jills new boyfriend to put his bbq spices on and ends up seeing a completely different side to her, the funny comes from going from a shelf to a cupboard to a few other ideas back to the original shelf. And on the other hand, Bonnie and Christy are helping Marjorie try and reconnect with her Son. Who decided a long time ago not to be part of her life after what she did to him as a child while she was heavily drinking. Finding it hard to believe that she has changed it takes hearing how Christy and Bonnie have forgiven each other and is having a better relationship, that he agrees to let her see him.
For a half-hour comedy, this weeks was perfect and a stand out of this season.


The Good Doctor - Mutations
ABC - Season 3 Episode 12.


As most know, I love a good medical show but what makes The Good Doctor different is I enjoy this one more for the Shawn dealing with the world bits more than the patients and the medical elements.  This week's episode had two main focus's, One being Shawn and Carly's troubled relationship and the second being a 16-year-old patient, Who is excited to be going to prom until she is taken ill and it takes Shawn and Carly to figure out what is the best medicine is.


New Amsterdam - Hiding Behind My Smile
NBC - Season 2 Episode 11.

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Another medical show and probably my favourite, this episode was less about the hospital and more about both Max and his daughter Luna as he takes her into the hospital for her medical shots. Also, in this episode, Helen has to deal with no longer having any administrative say in the running of the hospital. Still, after Max implements a new screens rule when dealing with patients back, fire's she is forced into doing things thew Max way. What is looking to be a great side story is Vijay helping out Ella, who is having his sons baby by offering his spare room for her to stay in until the pregnancy. From the very first episode, this show was all about changing the system, and they are still finding new ways the break the rules.


Goldberg - Game Night
ABC - Season 7 Episode 12

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Family game night is a thing that passed me by as a child that when every a show use's it for an episode, it usually ends up not being an exciting story for me. This episode was about Erica and Geoff trying to keep the fact they are living together, a secret from Beverly, So when they are forced to participate in family game night, Geoff struggles to keep it a secret. Also, this week Adam as paired with a popular girl in science class but when he tries to sit at the cool table he is denied, so he goes and talks to the coolest teacher in the school.


60 Days In - Program in peril
A&E - Season 7 Episode 4

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As this season continues and more participants drop out the program is in jeopardy not only from the people leaving but with one contestant volunteering to move pods into a part of the prison the show is not filming and also not monitoring for the safety of everybody involved.
In recent episodes, we saw one of the inmates left in her cell naked waiting for her only clothes to be washed, and another inmate not getting much food she can eat due to having celiac disease and not getting much sympathy from a few other show participants. At the end of the most recent, we saw they try and get the program back on track by adding a new participant to the show. In past seasons they have let the participants meet each other before entering the prison so having someone new go into the pod undercover from the others is going to help keep everyone working towards a common goal.

Gold Rush - Cornered
Discovery - Season 10 Episode 14

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As this season is coming to an end and the mining season not going well for Tony having gone from 3 mine sites down to just one and Rick only now seeing hope for making a small profit this season.  Also with winter in the horizon, Parker is still behind on mining out the whole area in one season but has a plan to get it done. This weeks episode Rick started mining a new area suggested to him by Gene Cheeseman, a mining expert Rick has brought in to save his mining season. Kevin is having a problem with his mine site clogging up his sluice box's and after Tony, suggests moving to the other end of the of his cut to see if it's any better but when Tony gets the digger stuck everyone comes over to see the incident and help free him from the sinking mud, and Parker. Decides to move his plant closer to his cut to help speed up the mining process and get it done in record time.

Well that’s it for this week, thank you for visiting and seeing just some of the shows I Have Been Watching this past week. Don’t forget that we are on Facebook, Instagram and twitter so please follow are for the most complete list of show we have seen each day.

Season 3 Episode 3: I now produce you time poor

Season 3 Episode 1: A New Beginning