
Season 3 Episode 3: I now produce you time poor

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Welcome back for another update on what I Have Been Watching. This week I don’t have much to watch so I did not watch everything they day the premiered. Weeks like this is watch the faves and leave the rest to build up and have a days viewing planned. Also if you read last week I have had computer problems and still dealing with that. like re-installing apps I use that I lost a few weeks ago.

Luckily TV has been kind to me and there is no News updates this weeks so I have had more free time to get other bit’s done.

Another reminder that I have a Spotify playlist full of songs and artists I have discovered in my favourite TV shows. Just search Discovered: TV

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I Have Been Watching


Shameless - Gallavich
Showtime - Season 10 Episode 12


shameless is a show that could have been in trouble when Emmy Rossum chose to leave the show, last season but this recent run has been some of the shows best. Emma Kenney moved into the head of the household role. One of the few main storylines running throughout the season is that when Fiona left, she gifted Debbie a large amount of money that she used to buy expensive clothes and then return just before the 30-day refund policy expires.

Another storyline this season was Ian and Micky's on and off relationship that ended in this week's episodes with their wedding.
Like most TV wedding's it didn't go according to plan, to start with the venue they had booked for the big day as set on fire believed to be Mickey's dad who was against the wedding for the started. Then the only location available at such short notice was not big fans of gay weddings, so a plan was used to make out it was a traditional wedding. To make sure the rest of the day was event-free, they kept sweet but homophobic old lady in the kitchen, so the marriage is not interrupted. Also, the "Guy Jesus" followers were brought in to keep unwanted people away.

With the next season being the last for the show I am interested to see what finally happens to all the Gallagher's and friends. I cant see there being a show like this on TV for a long time but will welcome any show giving it a go.


Black-ish  - Adventures in Venture
ABC - Season 7 Episode 14


Black-ish as a show I believe as done a great job telling story's so specific to black coulter and black people while also telling tales everybody can relate to.

Recent episodes dedicated to black hair are great at highlighting things most people don't know or think about.

This weeks episode was a situation everyone can relate to. It's the double-edged sword of wanting your kids to get out of the house by themselves and not just with mum and dad, but also the panic of not knowing where they are and if they are ok. To help calm Rainbows worries, she uses a tracking app to see where Jack and Diane are at all times, but when she loses signal, she starts to panic.

Mixed-ish  - True colours
ABC - Season 1 Episode 14


When the Black-ish world got it first spin-off (Grown-ish) I was happy with the Idea as it made sense that Zoey would be going off to college as a separate show about her dealing with her new college life intrigued me, but it also got me thinking what other spin-offs the could do. One of them was the Idea that Andre Jr could be going on tour doing social media for a rap group would make for a cool show, but what I didn't think about as Rainbows back story. To be honest, I have completely forgotten about the fact she used to live on a commune, and after catching up with Mixed-ish over the winter break, I am loving another show set in the '80s (Goldbergs/ Young Sheldon)

This weeks episode saw Paul's mother arrive back into his life to see her niece for her 13th birthday, also Alicia sees turning 13 as so important she want to plan a big celebration even if Rainbow is dead against it. What I loved about the episodes was the other story told, like finding out Pauls mother had a "Travelling companion" code word for girlfriend.

Both Black and mixed-ish are great shows to put on back to back, and I can only hope that they both return next season and maybe get another spin-off as long as it fits into the world as a whole.


Gold Rush - Parker Double Down
Discovery - Season 10 Episode 16

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Gold Rush is one of my easy watch shows I can put it on and not have to remember what happened last week or even last season. So I can sit and watch while doing other things.

With the mining season nearly coming to an end this weeks episode was about all the miners using the limited amount of time wisely.

Parker still as about 40% of his ground still to mine and with his plan to do it all in one season he plans to double down and merge his to mine site's back together, so they have two wash plants going at the same time running the same grounds durt.

Rick Ness is still trying to keep his gold total each week above a specific target to make sure his crew gets paid.  This week he hit another problem when large rocks were making it through is wash plant and creating holes where gold can escape,
But after Gene suggests repairing the holds by adding in a flat-screen to help take some of the impact of the lagers/heavy rocks and gets the work done quickly Rick is back on track to hit the minimum he needs to send his crew home with gold in the their pockets

Tony is a gold mining legend but this season is not one he is going to want to remember from having to move his operation to a new site when the water license ran out of the land he was mining to going from all three kids having their own wash plants running to ending the mining season with only one.

No matter what happens in each season of Gold Rush I still keep coming back as you can never know what is going to happen next, and unlike a lot of reality shows, they don't have any planned scenes the make the show ridiculous. the only thing I can see is a few sponsors spots but as they don't intrude on the show as a whole I'm ok with it.

Thanks you for sticking around to the end. I hope to see you again soon.
Don’t forget to follow us on social media just search I Have Been Watching.

Season 4 Episode 1: “Shut it down shut it all down”

Season 4 Episode 1: “Shut it down shut it all down”

Season 3 Episode 2: One step at a time