
Season 2 Episode 3: Blog delayed due to overrun game

Season 2 Episode 3: Blog delayed due to overrun game

Welcome to another week and another update on what I have been watching.

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Renewed - Cancelled - Picked-up - Full order

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A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things is the next new show to receive a full season order. I have been loving this show and am glad they will be around a bit longer and can’t see any reason why they wont get a renewal.

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I Have Been Watching


Family Guy: Big trouble in little Quahog

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For a show that's been through every possible situation, a network can throw at it. it's sometimes hard for forgive it when it has an episode that is not at its usual standard. This week's episode was a less than episode and only had a few good jokes.
It wasn't a bad episode but just not up to the usual standard we have come to expect from Family Gay.

This weeks episode was another Stewie & Brian adventure. After Brian made fun of Stewie for being short and scared so he makes a shrinking ray so Brian can know how it feels to be short.
After both of them get shucked up into a hoover snd they end up in the bin outside they must try and make there way back to Stewie’s room in order to return them to normal size. But after a funny mistake involving a Tiny button, they shrink even smaller and have to get inside Brian's laptop.

I just hope this is just a slight dip in quality and the next few episodes are back to their normal standard.


Manifest: Connecting flights


It's not normal for me to have already picked my new favourite show of the season. As the series continues and the passengers start to interact more, and we see what happens during the flight it not only helps move the story along and stop it being the same each week.
This week episode continued the story of some of the passengers hearing things or drowning to specific place's. Ben takes his son Cal on an adventure to try and stop the voices in his head getting to him by using a toss of a coin to decide where they are going to go and what they are going to do. But after a fun day out Cal take the coin toss results to far and starts to run off into the subway saying that it's all connected which is that same sentence Ben hears in this head.
After they stumble on the stowaway passenger from last week episode who is hiding out in the subway, Ben and Cal must help him get to safety. This episode ended with us seeing Cal during the flight looking out the window of the plane and a bright light and the word's of the moment "They are all connected." I can wait for next weeks episode.


New Amsterdam: Cavitation

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I think I have said this before, but there can never be enough medical drama's on tv, and New Amsterdam is an excellent addition to the genre.

This weeks episode was about a reporter following the medical director around during a typical day. Until a shooting victim and the shooter is brought in to the hospital. Like most episode, Dr Max Goodwin does not always follow the rules or most of the time he changes them. With everybody second guessing all they did to help save the victim's lives.

Most show's that a renegade lead is they forget the rest of the cast and where situation this show is based in, but this show has got the balance just right. All the head's of departments are used just the right amount.

Also, the "Side" story of Max having cancer would be the main story arc for shows like this but they only really mention it in passing between Max and Helen or in a scene once per episode.


Goldberger: Mister Knifey-hands

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Goldberger's episodes are best when they focus on one film or tv show, like when they did the Ferris Buller, breakfast club or sixteen candles episode. This week's Halloween episode was all about nightmare on elm street and how Adam is not allowed to watch the film as his mom thinks it's too scary for him, But after watching it at his girlfriend house. He is having nightmares and try's everything to stay awake. After Adam's mon finds out Dana's parents were less strict with what films they allow them to watch, this creates tension between Adam and Dana's parents. What makes this episode great is the got actor Robert Englund to reprise his role as Freddy Krueger to bring some authenticity to the episode.

Also in this episode Erica returners to her former high school and find's out she is not as popular as she once was so tries all she can to get people to like her again.


Mom; Flying monkeys and a tank of nitrous


Mom is one of the shows that could have gotten stuck on the premise of a mother and daughter going to AA meetings and every so often slipping and having to start again. But this show keeps getting better and with the introduction of the surrounding cast being used more for episodes is a great way to keep the show feeling fresh.

Like this weeks episode was focused on Marjorie as her husband had just passed away and the group helped her fulfil a trip to scatter his ashes. But after they discover the place they meet is now a supermarket they have to return home, but Christy feels Marjorie has not gotten over the death properly and this creates a problematic car journey back home.

For a comedy show, this one does sad episodes amazingly. It's still got it's funny moments, but it's sad at just the right moments to stop you in your tracks and feel sorry for the characters.


Gold rush

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I know we talked but this show last week but I am always looking forward to it each week and this years story of Rick going out on his own reminds me of how this show started. With Rick having a problematic summer he is going into this, mining season very much unprepared.

So this week episode was Rick out trying to find a wash plant that not only

can do the amount he wants to do but is also within his price range.

We also saw the rivalry between Parker and Tony escalate after Tony demanded his minimum gold total of 100oz within a week.

After a few dead end's Rick finds the perfect wash plant that is just out of his price range and has to do all he can the find the extra money to secure the plant. Rick pays a visit to Parker to see about his bonus from last season believing it would be the same as before but was still not enough to cover the full cost of the plant he needs to start slicing. In a last-ditch effort, rick goes back the guys who have his wash plant for sale to see if they would lower the price, but after they would not budge on the price Rick asks if he can pay them the difference in gold within two weeks.

I know a few people would rather not have too much drama in a show like this and have then stick solely on the gold mining, but I like to see the bits around it as it show's the difficulty of mining and that it's not as easy as you think

Again Thank You for coming back and reading to the end and I hope you enjoyed finding out what I have been watching.

Season 2 Episode 4: Back at it again

Season 2 Episode 4: Back at it again

Season 2 Episode 2: Planning is great in hindsight

Season 2 Episode 2: Planning is great in hindsight