
Season 1 Episode 6

Season 1 Episode 6

Welcome back to another ramble into what I have chosen to watch this week. As the Winter Olympics are on at the moment a lot of the show's are taking a few weeks off which will help me catch up on some of the shows I am behind on (I will never be up to date) Also was we move closer to march it's about time I start planning all the new show's starting next month. 

Anyway here are the chosen one for this week

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Gold Rush (Discovery)

Ok I know I go on about this so a lot but it's a great show for me to watch whilst I'm working on the computer, I don't have to be always looking at the screen to understand what is going on and that's a testament to the shows creator's as I think it's important that a show tells the story not just with the images but also the narration. 

Just before this weeks episode started I was announced that the Hoffman's will not be returning to gold mining next season which come mean we get to see a new group of gold miners try there luck at striking it rich, or even have Parker and Rick split up and gold mine separately. Ether way it's still going to be a great season and next season will only get better like it has every season so far.

In the most recent episode we saw a surprisingly fare Tony Beets by letting Parker continue mining over the 3000 ounces where after that the royalty rate he would have to pay to Tony would be higher. so he can now combine both mine totals and still only pay the original % rate is a nice thing to do but I still don't trust him.  

If you still have not watched this great show your in luck as the first 3 seasons are available in one boxset, here is a handy like to it on amazon, As of writing it's currently only £20 for 3 season's   

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Nashville (CMT)

With this being the final season of Nashville I think they are trying to make sure everyone has a significant storyline which is great if you have a longer season in which to tell the story's but as it's getting near the end of the season it is starting to feel a bit crowded. With that being said I am glad they have had time for make sure they don't leave us on a cliff hanger. 

The current story of Juliet joining a possible cult to help deal with everything she has gone thought in her life is great and also very possible.
Also the story of deacon starting to date after the death of Rayner and all the problems that come's along with that is great. I'm also interested to see where the Will drug taking story goes as it's interesting to see how far they will to go with it.

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Grown-ish (Freeform)

I may have spoken about this before but I think this show is the best at tackling modern day problems. The most recent episode showed the effects of social media and all the problem's that come with posting your life. Some of the problem highlighted are what happens when you post hateful tweet's about a famous sings and the incur the wrath of there fans, another is when you repost links without double checking what they are linking to., and the most important one is checking exactly what you are posting so you don't give out personal details. for a spin-off show this could as easily been a stand alone show.

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Celebrity Big Brother (CBS)

This is the best big Brother season ever I think. The fact that it's being played at a slightly faster spend than a normal season means that all the players have to be smarter in what they do at each completion and eviction. in most seasons an alliances will take a few weeks to fracture and turn on each other. but this season it's only take a week for a group to be formed and split. It helps I don't know many of the celebrity's inside the house it mean's I not mind who win's just that they place the game as best as they came. 

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Gold Rush: White Water (Discovery)

For years we have seen teams of people head up to Alaska and dig up gold from the ground and make the American dream a realty, But with this Gold Rush spin-off we get the Dakota Boys once again try there luck gold mining but this time there are turning up the crazy by gold mining in the white water rapids of McKinley Creek. I have only seen a hand full of episodes but they are just crazy, Not only are they mining in fast moving water at freezing cold temperatures they also have to find a way of getting down to the river using planks of wood. 

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The Good Doctor (ABC)

With all the medical drama's on TV it's difficult to find a story that has not been told before. This show has managed to find a great was of using Shaun's condition to tell the story of each patient. This weeks episode was 2 patients with similar symptoms create the perfect test to see who's best when they team up and try there best to diagnose and treat them. But like always thing's aren't what they seem.    

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A.P. Bio (NBC)

After Watching a few more episodes of the show this week I'm still not sure where this show can go after he's taken down his nemesis, But I never stop watching a show I have started even if I know it's bad. With that being said there was still a few funny moments for instance the episode where he is set to teacher prison and can start writing is book with another imprisoned teacher all the while still getting paid.

It may not be the best 30 minuets of comedy on tv right now but I'm happy there is a place for Patton Oswalt as I believe he is one of the best comedy actors working on TV at the moment.

Season 1 Episode 7

Season 1 Episode 7

Season 1 Episode 5

Season 1 Episode 5