
Season 1 Episode 13

Season 1 Episode 13

Editor Note: This post was uploaded a day early and was unfinished but has now been finished.

Welcome back to your weekly update on all thing TV including what shows are starting this week, What shows have been renewed by Fox this season and some of the shows I have been watching his past week.

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Starting this


Normally this is where I list the shows I am planning on watching that are starting this week.
But as you can see it's empty
That's because as you can guess there are no shows starting this week I am interested in

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Like recent weeks I have started to list the shows I have been watching that have been renewed recently

This week it's all the shows Fox has renewed so far.

Explores the high-pressure experiences of police, paramedics and firefighters who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking and heart-stopping situations. They must try to balance saving people with solving problems in their own lives.

Explores the high-pressure experiences of police, paramedics and firefighters who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking and heart-stopping situations. They must try to balance saving people with solving problems in their own lives.

Set 400 years in the future, the show follows the adventures of the Orville, a not-so-top-of-the-line exploratory ship in Earth's interstellar Fleet. Facing cosmic challenges from without and within, this motley crew of space explorers will boldly g…

Set 400 years in the future, the show follows the adventures of the Orville, a not-so-top-of-the-line exploratory ship in Earth's interstellar Fleet. Facing cosmic challenges from without and within, this motley crew of space explorers will boldly go where no comedic drama has gone before.

In a world where mutated humans are treated with distrust and fear, an institute for mutants battles to achieve peaceful co-existence with humanity.   

In a world where mutated humans are treated with distrust and fear, an institute for mutants battles to achieve peaceful co-existence with humanity. 

This is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family. Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking homemaker wife, Bart is the perpetual ten-year-old underachiever (and proud of it), Lisa is the unappre…

This is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family. Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking homemaker wife, Bart is the perpetual ten-year-old underachiever (and proud of it), Lisa is the unappreciated eight-year-old genius, and Maggie is the cute, pacifier loving silent infant.        

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I Have Been Watching

Now the main event. Here re some of the shows I have been watching recently.

Silicon Valley (HBO)

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With the merger of Sliceline and Optimoji and Pied piper this weeks episode centred on trying to unite the to set's groups of coders.
Richard tries to make everyone happy by agreeing to do things they used to do thing's in their old company which makes matters worse.

After telling the codes they have to do things his way of they can leave, most of them chose to go but after Rich gets into a zone and starts getting lots of work done. Jarad then calls all the codes to try and get them back onboard, and within hours they are all united as one to help/marvel at the work rate Richard is showing.

This show is one of the best-balanced shows currently on TV; it has enough geeky jokes and turms that the geeks feel like it's made speciality for them while it's also got enough all round jokes that the non-techie viewers and enjoy it without feeling left out and not understanding the Jokes.

The Voice (NBC)

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As we move ever closer to the live shows of this season, it still surprises me that this show is still as fresh as it is even with NBC choosing to do two seasons a year.

This weeks episode's where the first two of three parts of the knockouts, the final episodes to be filmed before they go live.

As most people know The Voice is yet to find a break out superstar like American Idol. But I believe this is where the voice is better; I don't think they are hoping to have an overnight success with a winner. I guess what makes this show stand out is they use social media to it's the best potential. In previous seasons they have used Twitter to help save one of two singers up for elimination, the benefit of this that to two singers names are trending and even people not watching the show might check out that the hashtag is about and then there is a chance they see one of the singers perform on youtube.

Also, they have a deal with Apple Music, so all the singer's songs are available of hearing again at any time which helps push them higher up the iTunes charts.

Alex, Inc (ABC)

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Alex, Inc is the triumphant return of Zack Braff to the world of TV after moving way to focus on writing and directing movies.

Alex Shuman is a journalist unsatisfied is the stories he is being asked to write about so decided to quit his job and start a podcast company to tell the stories about people he wants to.

In the first of two episodes, Alex has to try and find funding to help get is new company off the ground. The problem with this is he has to juggle his family life with his new business and finds it hard to explain why his company will be different from the hundreds just like his out there.
The second episode see's Alex trying to get his two partners Eddie (his cousin) and Deirdre as an employee he convinced to move with him from his old employers to work together to make the podcast a success. Eddie manage's to get a meeting with Squarespace as a potential advertiser (Squarespace is one of the most used advertisers in the world of podcasting) FYI this website is made with Squarespace, and that's thanks to a podcast. While Deirdre secured an interview with a top tech CEO, the only problem is they are both at the same time, so he has to choose which one is more important. His first interview or his first advertiser.

Roseanne (ABC)


Roseanne is back, and it feels like it never left. I don't entirely remember the original episodes apart from the musical interludes and the wide shot's of the outside of their house but only because of was too young to be watching it when it first aired. I have asked around and have been reliably informed it is just like it was "back in the day." With it being one of the most watched season openers in recent memory it was unsurprising it got a season renewal, but after seeing three episodes, I can see this one staying around for as long as Roseanne can keep writing great script's.

A lot of the three episodes focused on Darlene having to move back home with her kids after losing her job. With Roseanne now a grandmother she want's to be the cool one and not have to tell the children off. In a couple of scenes, I can tell they are referencing bit's for its original run, and even though I can't remember the exact bit, I can still get the jokes.

Roseanne is becoming the go-to show for the night as I know I won't be disappointed and guaranteed a laugh.

Superstore (NBC)


As someone who has spent all my working life in some retail, I can find bit's funny on this great show that might not be as funny to others, and I love shows that know that the need to not make fun of the kinds of people doing that work.

This weeks episode was every true as Cloud9 was celebrating the small independent sellers they are trying to put out of business but having them set up stalls inside the store. One of the booths was Glen, the manager's wife; she was selling knitted hats and scarves and was doing well after the other cloud nine employees felt pressured into buying them.

Once Glen found of he told them they should only buy them if they wanted them not because they had to, so they all returned them all but this just made glens wife feel like she was useless so then glen tried all he could to get people the buy some and in the end just used is mangers power and demanded they buy some.

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Season 1 Episode 14

Season 1 Episode 12

Season 1 Episode 12