
Season 4 Episode 8: Another Late Night

Season 4 Episode 8: Another Late Night

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Welcome to this weeks post. I hope everyone has been keeping well and doing the same as me. Sitting down, not moving and consuming as much TV as physically possible.

 As another week comes to a close. I’m looking forward to the coming week as two shows are added back into my TV show rotation. By that, I mean “New Amerstdam” and “The Voice” return this week. I am happy they are back for different reasons.

The Voice is a show I can get some work done while still listening to it in the background, and yes, I do sometimes pretend to be a coach, and I don’t mind how knows it. I’m also happy to have New Amsterdam back as it’s possibly my favourite medical show on TV currently.

So again, Thank you for coming back, and I hope you enjoy what you are about to see.

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Below is just some of the recent posts to get an idea of how my post’s look; if you like what you see, please think about following me.
I am trying to get to 100, and I’m at 83 at the time of writing. So only 17 more to go.

And now finally On with the news     

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Renewed - Cancelled - Ordered

After the light dusting of news last week its another week with nothing of note to even class as news so let’s hope the flood of renewals and New Show orders are right around the corner.

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I Have Been Watching

The Great North S1 E3 Avocado Barter Adventure

Fox – Animation/Comedy

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Just to get it out there, I have not seen any episodes of “Bob’s Burgers.” But after watching a few episodes of “The Great North.” I’m very tempted to start. I love the style, and the tone of T.G.N and this episode had a heartwarming story.

The main story is centred around Wolf and Honybee’s sixth month Anniversary. With Wolf going all out to try and get his hands on some avocados. By trading way up to avocados, starting with small items and swapping them with other locals until he has the avocados. This involves asking an old girlfriend to fly them to the next large town to perform the final swap.

While Wolf was running around town doing deals, Judy interviewed Honeybee for her school newspaper. She wanted to know what it was like growing up in Fresno and how she met Wolf. This involved their love of adding movie quotes into any conversation they can.

While Wolf is with his ex-girlfriend, she makes him realise that he may not always listen. This helps tell the how we met story then ends with them going back to the diner they first met in.

Also, in this episode, Beef and Ham help make all the decorations for the Shrek theme anniversary party. The only problem is that only Ham has seen the first movie and only the first few minutes. This can only go well.

When “The Great North” was renewed for its second season before the first episode of its first season had even been aired. I had high hopes that it would be good as it’s unusual for a show to get renewed so soon. Luckily it has met all my expectations, and it’s now moved up my imaginary playlist order I have every day.

Bob hearts Abishola S2 E10 “The Cheerleader Leader.”

CBS. – Comedy/Romance

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As I had mentioned before, I was using the spare time where the network season would have started to catch up on shows or even start ones from last season. One of those shows was “Bob Hearts Abishola.” After making my way through the first season with just a few episodes from season two ready to watch, I had the main storyline in the front of my brain. But after watching this most recent episode, it took me by surprise, as it was the first time we saw Abishola upset.

In this episode, Dele’s father bans him from dancing in his dance crew as it’s not helping him with this school work. After this makes Dele upset, Abishola is confused about how to help, so she brings in Bob to help figure out what his upsetting Dele.

While this is going on, Abishola discovers Tayo wants to take Dele back to Nigeria in the summer to Get to know his father better and see his side of the family. This is news to her as it has not been discussed with her but ultimately agrees as it would be suitable for Dele. This is where we see Abishol cry for the first time. For someone who always looks in control of her emotions, seeing her cry is surprising but a welcomed addition to her character and the fact it came from the idea that Dele would like to spend the summer in Nigeria with his father and not with her is believable.

Also, knowing they have renewed it for its third season makes me wonder where this season will go. Is Dele going to spend his summer with this father, and how will this change him when/if he comes back for the next school year.

The Good Doctor S4 E10 “Decrypt”

ABC. - Drama

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Every once and a while, a show will bring a side character to the front and in this weeks “Good Doctor” episode, Lea is given 24hr to fix the hospitals I.T. system after it was hacked. And all the data was held to ransom. Simultaneously, the hospital’s insurance company sends a negotiator to try and get the ransom price down. This angers the hackers, so they up the price. The negotiation only spurs Lea on to solve the problem and prove she knows what she is doing after the insurance negotiator does his best to get them to settle and pay up.

The other story during this weeks episode is that a famous cancer survivor (is brought into the hospital after nearly drowning in a triathlon. After discovering that he may need an operation, the doctors are worried he might not be as lucky as he was with his cancer treatment. So they spend time trying to figure out a way of fixing the patient without performing the drastic operation. But the patient is adamant he wants the surgery and knows he will survive it as he has never had cancer. It was a misunderstanding during an interview that he continued to help inspire others, people in need and also profit.

This new information puts his doctors in a problematic situation. Some of them have a problem with someone making money off the lie that he survived cancer. Ultimately the news gets out into the press. So Dr Lim believes the leaker was Clare until Olivia comes forward and pronounces herself the whistleblower. This gets her fired from her residency, so when Dr Andrews asks why Olivia came forward as the informer, he’s shocked to hear that it’s because she never wanted to become a doctor.

For some shows having more than one story, it can get confusing and difficult keeping up with. But even with three stories going on within one episode, the stories were told in a way that I could follow each one and not get confused.

Tough as Nails S2 E2 “Keep on Baitin”

CBS – Reality-tv

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I have to get my competition shows from somewhere. With “Survivor” only now getting ready to start filming a new season =, Big brother doesn’t start until the summer and  “The Amazing Race” out of the question for the time being. “Tough as Nails” is a welcome stand-in.

After watching the first episode of this latest season, I looked forward to the next episode, and I was not disappointed.  This weeks episode was set around the dockyard and the fishing boats: the first challenge, a team task. The two teams had to fill 100 lobster traps with bait, then wheel them down to their boat and finally tie them down, ready for the ship’s captain to cast off and begin placing the taps into the sea.

After failing as forman in the last team task, “Angel” became the stand out during the challenge, ultimately helping his team win another $12,000. In the individual contest, the contestants had to move eels from a box placed on one of the boats into another box left at the start of the harbour using only a small net bag. The path and stairs got very slippery during the frantic run and caused some of the contestants to slip down the starts.

Once the race to down to the final two, they had to participate in the overtime challenge. In which the contestants had to untangle a long and thick ship’s rope. Remove four buoys, place them into their pole, and finally fit the rope into a small wooden container. With both contestants struggling with injuries, it was going to take a lot to complete the test. Unlike most competition shows, this one is showing that they want it to be a fair challenge.

So when “Tara” was struggling with the task using only one hand and started helping out “Swifty”, her completion who was dealing with a problem with his foot, he offered to stop and wait until she was ready to continue. In the end, “Tara” returned and finished the task.

If this show can keep it’s wholesome, everyone in it together feeling. I can see this being a staple of C.B.S’s completion shows for a few years to come.

Young Sheldon S4 E9 “Crappy Frozen Ice Cream and an Organ Grinder’s Monkey”

CBS – Comedy

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It’s another great “Young Sheldon” episode and one that reminds me of some old “Big Bang” episodes. Like this week, Sheldon and his father were called into the universities president’s official. Believing he his in trouble, Sheldon was having difficulty figuring out what he had don’t wrong.

But surprisingly, he was not in trouble but was being asked to go out to dinner with a regular donor to the university who invented static-free furnisher. Sheldon declines the offer leaving it to Sheldon’s dad to persuade Sheldon to get to the dinner. Once Sheldon is presented with some facts, like the fact that he loves to correct people and also loves the sound of his own voice, he finally agrees. To get him ready for the meal, Sheldon has to have a conversation with Billy, the kid next door.

The other story in this weeks episode was about “Connie” being asked to go to “Dales” son’s wedding. Feeling like it would be weird, she gives “June”, “Dales” ex-wife a call to see if shes go with her going. This leads to “June” bringing a younger man with her to the wedding. This starts an argument between “Connie” and “Dale” about whether she brought the younger date to mess with “Dale.”

After bringing up the subject to “June”, it turns out that yes, she had brought the younger man along to her son’s wedding just the infuriate “Dale.”

Finally, during dinner. Sheldon is doing his best to keep his opinions to himself. Until he has taken to mush and starts being Sheldon and starts disagreeing with the doner, this ultimately leads to the doner not only giving the university an extensive check but also giving Sheldon a new static-free office chair and his dad tickets to a football game.  

Last man standing S9 E9 “Grill in the Mist.”

Fox – Comedy

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For a show in its final season and one, I believe was given advanced warning that this would be it’s last. I am happy to see the show start to look into the future of the world.

Like in the week’s episode, Mike had to deal with the “after” effects of the recent pandemic by seeing where the business is doing well and where it is struggling. After running some numbers, he could see some areas we performing better than others. This new information left him with only one option and one he struggled to find a way of dealing with.

The best and only option was to remove the stores’ restaurant, which would also mean having to fire Kristin, his daughter. Who took over the grill a few years ago and made it a success until the virus it the restaurant industry pretty hard. After plucking up the courage, he asked to have a meeting with Kristin and Ed to discuss the store’s future. But before Mike could bring up the subject of closing the grill, Kristin had come to the same conclusion and knew it was the best for the store as a whole.

Mike offered the tell the restaurant works they were being let go, but Kirstin wanted to do it herself. “I hired them; I should be the ones to fire them.” After thinking about her staff’s skills, Kirstin showed Mike where they all could be best used within the store and ultimately saving the company money. This gave Mike the idea that Kirstin could one-day takeover the running of the company when he retires. Unsure at first but after some persuading and a few contract clauses added. Kirstin was excited by the idea of her being C.E.O

Meanwhile, in the episode, Mandy asked Jen to help her organise her wardrobe. This lead to Jen implementing some rules. After she is finished, Mandy has a closet organised first in colour, then by season. Leaving only a large cardboard box of items to go.

With only 3 episode left I an intrigued to see that thy plan to do and how they will end it.

And there we have it. That’s another update done. Just a quick reminder, please don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and if you have enjoyed that I have been doing here and want it to continue, please consider becoming a patron.

Once again Thanks and goodnight

Season 4 Episode 9: Why have we not done this before

Season 4 Episode 9: Why have we not done this before

Season 4 Episode 7: On with the News

Season 4 Episode 7: On with the News