
Season 4 Episode 6: "So you're saying you're wrong"

Season 4 Episode 6: "So you're saying you're wrong"

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Welcome and thank you for coming back again it’s been another seven days, so it’s time for another update as to what I Have Been Watching. It’s been a typical week. It’s not mentioned elsewhere, but I managed to catch up with the CBS comedy Bob Hearts Abishola so I will try and catch up with another show. Not sure which one yet but should not take me long to decide.

In a now running update, I finally received all the PC components needed to fix my PC, Stated the build only to run into a few roadblocks, some I managed to resolve, but one was stumping me. After a back and forth on a couple of forums, (yes they are still a thing) we eliminated most of the possible culprits and got it down to an incompatible graphics card, so my plan to use more videos will have to be put on hold for a few months as I start to save up for a new one. Hopefully, the availability will be better than it is today.

If this is your first time here, you might like to know I recently set up a Patron. Don’t worry; it’s not what you think; this is not me begging. The reason for this is that I am trying to keep the streak going longer than I ever have and I help with this I decided to make this feel more like a job. So if there were money on the line, I would be obligated to keep coming back.

So if you’re a regular and would like me to keep this up for the whole of this current season, please consider becoming a patron.

Also please don’t forget to follow me on my Instagram account where I post an image for every show I have been watching. It’s more up to date than this weekly blog.

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Renewed - Cancelled - Ordered


Not a lot of news this week. It’s still a bit early to be talking about renewals from the major networks just yet. Give it a couple of weeks; however, some good news Fiji has now allowed the Survivor team to enter the country and start filming the next season the theme has not been divulged, the article I saw did have some at first funny ideas. Still, after thinking about it for a few minutes, it’s not the worst idea. Suppose the game did not have tribes at first but start with the individual part of the game with each contestant living in their own camp. I mirror of being in self-isolation and after ten days being put into tribes. Then, later on, going back to playing for themselves. This would mean the contestants got to see who their competitors are and how to aline themselves with. Think about it.

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I Have Been Watch

The Resident S4 E5 “Home Before Dark”

FOX - Drama/Medical

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In recent weeks, Chastain’s future has not been clear after the current pandemic took a massive hit to profits. So Redrock decided to sell the hospital even with Dr Bell trying to drum up some good press for the hospital on his TV show.

This is where this week episode starts, with the hospital sold, the patients and equipment are beginning to be transferred to other local hospitals. When someone comes into the hospital asking for assistance and being told he needs to try another hospital as Chastain is now closed, he begins to get irate and begins to shout. So when he lashes out at Dr Mina Okafor with a knife, Dr Nicolette Nevin steps in and get’s stabbed in the side of her chest.

What makes this harder is that she recently lets everyone know she is pregnant and with most of the equipment needed is already on it’s way to local hospitals they have to do what they can with that they have.

As well as the selling of the hospital, and the Pregnancy, we also have the story of Dr Barrett Chin,
Who was recently hit by a car while trying to get someone out of an upturned car. After being put on a ventilator to help his breathing, he starts to come out of his coma, unaware that the hospital has been sold. Struggling to speak Chin has to use a whiteboard to talk to his doctors. In a strange turn of events, he is transferred to the same facility he used to put some off is patients how might not get better to live out the rest of his life possibly.

In a last-ditch attempt to save the hospital Marshall Winthrop calls in favour of the local politician hoping the county can buy the hospital and let the doctors run it with a plan to tighten the spending and help stop the other hospitals get overrun. Luckily they were just in time to stop the original sale go through, and the hospital is now in the county’s hands

This new twist to the story of The Resident is one I am looking forward to.

All Rise S2 E8 Bette Davies Eye’s

 CBS – Drama/Law


You can pick any date or time in the last 20 to 30 years, and I can almost guarantee there will be a medical show, a show involving the police and show with lawyers. Right now we have Bull and All Rise both on CBS. Both are great and high on my watch list, so it was hard to pick just one to talk about. But this weeks All Rise had such a great story I had to get into it.

This weeks episode was all about a case revolving around an 80’s Celebrity (Samara Strong) who was accused of killing her husband but was ultimately found innocent until the murder weapon was found in the back garden of her former home when the new owners were digging up the ground for some landscaping.

When the case re-opened, it would take a lot to win when lawyer to the stars was brought on to defend the original verdict. For Mark to win the case he was going to need to think outside the box. The only person to see an argument critical to the case was Kelsey Strong, Samara’s daughter.
She was only a child at the time and could not remember what fully happened at the time.

To help jog her memory, Mark asked the judge if he could take her to the scene of the fight and have someone take her back in her mind to help remind her of what she saw.

The case was all going on within room 802 which is usually Lola’s courtroom but as she is away on maternity leave and Judge Laski’s courtroom is out of order. This had caused some worries for Lola’s staff as they thought they were being split up, But they felt better knowing they were staying together. Their fears were short-lived after Laski put up a mounted dear skull on the wall. The friction only got worse from there.

This week episode used the main cast perfectly; they all got screen time and were not shoehorned in or felt out of place. Even with Lola not being the central focus, she is still there to help move the story along.

I can’t wait for Lola to return to the courthouse and put her stamp back on her courtroom.

Zoey’s extraordinary playlist S2 E6 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Reckoning”

NBC - Comedy/Drama/Musical

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If you had told me that a show about a person that could know what people are felling through the power of music was going to make an episode about racial discrimination, I would have had a hard time believing you. But this week Episode of Zoey did just that, and in a perfect way.

Following straight on from the last episode where Simon was asked to make a statement to the press apologising that the Chirp was having trouble recognising people of colour, he went rough during his speech. He started talking about how there was no-one of colour on the SPRQ point board.

Fearing that Simon is going to be fired for his remarks Zoey try to help but starting a “Town Hall” meeting for everybody on the fourth floor. This scene is a perfect way of showing how other people like to think they can help without asking what they can do. I look forward to the song’s they are going to use and how they will use them. I always try and predict when a song is about to start.

The first song “Blackman in a White World.”  By “Michale Kiwanuka” is not one I thought of but it’s a perfect fit. And using it during the “Town Hall” was perfection.

When Simon is called to see Danny Michael Davis, he believes he’s going to lose his job, so plans to quit but is saved when Tobin put out a social media post about the racial problems he has had to face during his time at SPRQ point, This then starts other employees of SRQ point around the world to add their stories. This saves Simons’ job and gives him the backup needed to go into the board room and demand change.

The other story within this episode is the continuation of the Resterunt Max and Mo are trying to start up. Still, in need of an investor Zoey surgest’s Danny Michale Davies and after a rapid pitch that involves a slight problem with the app, they get the money needed to get up and running. To solve the bug within their app, Max enlists the help of some of his old work colleague’s on the Fourth floor.

In the final scene of this week’s episode, Simon celebrates the changes he has helped implement at SPRQ Point, but he still knows it’s a fine line, which is summed up perfectly by using the song “Tightrope” by “Janelle Monae”.

I may have said this before, but I believe this is a more adult Glee, and I’m happy about this.

Black-ish S7 E11 “First Trap”

ABC - Comedy


Like “Zoeys Extraordinay Playlist” ”Black-is” is a show not afraid to touch on important subjects.
This week was all about being the first black person to do something meaningful, from being the first black baseball star to being the first black president. So when Rainbow becomes the first black partner at the hospital, she works at. After getting the great honour, she starts to think about who she can help progress further up the ladder and when a colleague uses the phrases “Work goals.” She decides to help, But Rainbow is surprised when her offer is rejected.

After Rainbow gets here new premotion to Partner Dre looks at getting another black person working at “Stevens and Lido”, and is surprised to see Charlie is part of a group for just this problem.
When Dre starts calling everyone, he knows who might be a good fit at S&L he discovers they are either retired, don’t want the job or dead, but when Charlie tells him about someone who might be good Dre bringing him in for an interview and is taken aback when his offer is declined.

For a 30 minute show about a suburban black family, the range of subjects tackled it’s refreshing to see the balance of hard-hitting and funny perfectly balanced. Even with the show currently into its 7th season and the younger cast growing up, it’s been paced amazingly well, they have also used the sit-com tropes but added a different perspective to it, and one’s I have not seen before.

Young Sheldon S4 E7 “A Philosophy Class and Worms That Can Chase You”

CBS - Comedy

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For a fan of “The Big Bang Theory.” I always look forward to episodes that used stories that were first brought up years ago. This seasons main story is Sheldon going to college at such a young age. Recently we have seen Sheldon have his first day and try to find a suitably second-hand copy of the textbook he needs for his studies, and now we have seen Sheldon start his first college class.

In comes this week episode where we see that first class “Philosophy.” Sheldon is a man of sciences, so when Sheldon gets into a conversation with the lecturer over what he believes is real and what is not he does what he does best, he borrows some philosophy books from the college library to help make an excellent defence to his side of the argument.

When Sheldon’s intellectual equal tells Mary (Sheldon’s mom), he has taken a job that will not allow him time to be with Sheldon at the college she is worried about how he will cope. This is until Professor Linkletter offers/told to be there for Sheldon should he need any help.

This offer to help comes in handy with Sheldon comes to see Professor Linkletter about the problem’s he’s having with his Philosophy professor until the suggestion of dropping the class is brought up, but after going to see Professor Ericson ask to drop the course when asked if he is saying he his wrong he does not take this too well and ends up more determined to prove he’s right.

The small node’s to the Sheldon we see in “Big Bang” is what makes this show great for people how have been with Sheldon for a long time and is also for people new to Sheldon and all is quirks

Gold Rush: White Water S4 E11 “A Special Kind Of Crazy”

Discovery – Reality-TV

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As the end of the mining, season gets closer, and mining spots either dry up or become less and less safe. The last few episodes of this season of GR: White Water show how water mining gets riskier.

In last weeks episode, Dustin was forced to move where he was mining as he was starting to run out of good ground to run through his wash plant. Still, the new location was in the middle of rough, fast-moving water, so vicious that it took Carlos down the river and needed to be dragged back to dry land. So this week we get to see Dustin and his crew go out further up the stream to see if they can find a safer place to mine.

After discovering what looks to be promising ground, they have to find a way of getting over the raging river and getting a better look. Luckily they spot a fallen tree they can use as a makeshift bridge; all they need to do is tie a rope around one end and drag it over the river.

Meanwhile, Fred’s crew is still struggling to get to the bottom of their hole. With the walls being so high, the risks are immense and only worsen when the visibility within the water is compromised. When a large boulder almost hits Paul on the head, Fred decides to stop mining and use the remaining time to make the area safer.

Once Dustin had gotten over the river safely he managed to get the rope tied around the tree and help manoeuvre it into place so the rest of the crew can shimmy across and test the area and see if it’s worth mining. After sampling some of the ground, they discover it’s an excellent place to set up, but there is not enough time this season. So everyone agrees to give the current spot another go.

With the look of the new spot found, skills and technics, Dustin and his crew have gained his year. I am looking forward to seeing what they can do next year with a full season.

And there we have it. That’s another update done. Just a quick reminder, please don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and if you have enjoyed that I have been doing here and want it to continue, please consider becoming a patron.

Once again Thanks and goodnight

Season 4 Episode 7: On with the News

Season 4 Episode 7: On with the News

Season 4 Episode 5: Storytime

Season 4 Episode 5: Storytime