
Can i jump straight into Season 7 or do i have to go back as watch Season 1-6?

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I Have Been Watching

Where am I, What am I doing.


First off sorry for leaving it a month for the next update. I did start a post all about the network pick-ups and cancelled shows. I will get back to that once the dust has settled from my time away. Anyway back the matter at hand.

As I type this, I am many miles away attending my first ATX Festival. It's a 4-day event dedicated to the joy of TV in the heart of downtown Austin Texas USA. I have been here for three days already just finding my way around checking out the local area. I have a busy schedule the next few days attending screenings, panels and discussions and I will be doing my best to keep all my social media pages updates over the course of the event.


Some of the events I have planned for my time here is.

  • Futurama Table Read Reunion

  • Bottle Episodes Uncorked Panel

  • Breaking bad: Saul's origin story Screening and panel

  • Awkard & Amusing: A look at contemporary British comedies

From what I have seen, read and heard about this event I can easily see myself coming back again soon. 


This is a short one for now but I will be back every soon with my first update on what i have done on the first day.


Season preview: ABC

Season preview: ABC

Season 1 Episode 16