
Season 2 Episode 5: Not enough hours in the day

Season 2 Episode 5: Not enough hours in the day

Welcome Back to I believe the first full week of the year and with most of the shows returning i’m starting to see what shows have my attention and what shows I leave for another day or even worse the summer.

First of we have the weeks news on all relevant TV Shows on my list
and then my pick of the shows I have watched over the last seven days so lets begin.

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News Update

Renewed - Cancelled - Picked-up - Full Order

We may be living in a digital but TV networks are still run by people scared to take a chance and give new US shows a chance before it's even had it's US premiere. That is why we are ten episodes into the first season of New Amsterdam and only now is it finding a home in the UK on Amazon Prime.

This is a show I love and am in two minds as it's UK pick-up. On the one hand, it's great to see it coming over, but I wish it were not on a streaming service and I would love more people had the chance to see it.

I could see it work well on a channel like SKY Witness along with The Good Doctor or even on W as they no longer have Cancelled show Code Black.

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New Amsterdam NBC/Amazon Prime UK

Dr. Max Goodwin is brilliant, charming -- and the new medical director at America's oldest public hospital. While he's set on tearing down the bureaucracy to provide exceptional care, the doctors and staff are not so sure. They've heard this before, and no one else has delivered on those promises. Not taking "no" for an answer, Max disrupts the status quo and proves he will stop at nothing to breathe new life into this understaffed, underfunded and underappreciated hospital -- the only one in the world capable of treating Ebola patients, prisoners from Rikers Island and the president of the United States all under one roof -- and return it to the glory that put it on the map.

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I Have Been Watching


Madam Secretary: Family Separation: part 2

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This weeks episode of Madam Secretary was the conclusion of the previous episode before the Christmas break. At the end of that episode, Elizabeth was arrested for trespassing when she entered a detention centre where the local state officials we holding immigrant children after being separated from there parents with officials from Mexico.

This continued this week as she spoke out against the use of separation of families and the disgusting conditions they were living in. Also in the 2 parts of this story, the McCord children were tasked with helping organise Beth and Henry renew there wedding vows which only got harder then Beth was in prison.

I love shows when they take recent events and dramatise them. This helps people understand just had unfair the situation is in a way the news programs just can’t. Also if the story is very recent, it can help keep a remarkable story in peoples minds for a bit longer.


Manifest: Crosswind


After weeks of Callings that have made parts of this show feel like a typical case of the week show, This week Michaela had a calling that was not her’s but someone else.

After getting as many of the passengers who were drawn to the plane moments before it blows up together to try and finger out if everyone has the same exspreances. Michaela managed to wake one of the passengers they saved from a government testing facility only to discover he does not remember the plane or even that he has a partner.

After finally tracking down his partner they find out she has been in hiding ever since the plane returned as he sued to beat her and she feared for her life.

Also in this episode, Ben goes to the funeral of NSA Director Vance after he was killed trying to help Ben get to the bottom of this mystery. But when NSA Deputy Tim Powell discovers Ben id there, he blames him for Vance’s death as asked him to leave but not before been tries to get him to look into what they have found and try and get him to help them in there future.

This show is still gripping and is high on the list for Mondays, but I am struggling to see how many seasons you can get out of this story without another Plane going missing for five or so years.


New Amsterdam: Six of seven minutes

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Because most shows take a month of over December and I watch a lot of plays, I completely forgot the cliffhanger this show was left on, but within seconds I was reminded that Max was on the floor fighting for his life.

What was great to see was how the main cast played off each other after hearing the news that Max was on his way to the hospital and when they all discovered that Max had Cancer but did not tell anyone other than his own doctor.

Another excellent side story was they discovery just many people rely on him for getting approval for all manner of things.

This show really stands out from other medical shows in both the way it is shot and the way they make everyone feel important and not a side story.


Schooled: Be like Mike

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Following the success of The Goldbergs Adam F Goldberg is back with spinoff Schooled.

It follows Lainey as she returns to her high school to become the new music teacher after she is struggling to become a famous Rockstar.

After an episode of the goldbergs was used as a “Backdoor pilot” it’s great to see the side chariures of the school teachers get to shine in their own show. And with the show now based in the 90’s it opens a whole new would of song’s TV shows and pop, in general, they can use and play off of.

In the opening episode, we see Laney on her first week as she struggles to remember she is now a teacher and can’t to and say the things she would have when she was a student.

This was used amazingly when she see coach Mellor for the first time, and he still thinks she is a student and tells her to hurry up and get changed and join them on the field.

When Principal John Glasscott says she has to do the traditional concert and she can’t get her students excited about it, she gets them to change the style to the modern style of grunge which is met with some resistance.

But after getting some words of advice from Mellow she finally stands up for what he feels is right and got ahead with the concert her way and it’s a success and make Lainey feel more like a teacher than she did before.

This show is a great follow on for the Goldbergs and is a good paring for the same night. I could have seen this show fail if it was not on right after the Goldergs. Like all new shows I always keep an open mind for the first 4 episodes and then see where the story is and what they have done so far, But from the first episode, I can’t see this show not airing all ordered shows.


The Masked Singer: New masks on the block


After watching the first episode of The Masked Singer last week, I was amazed at how quickly I was studying the promo packages and any social media posts online to try and get clues as to how the masked singers are.

Not only am I playing detective but after a quick search online I found hundreds of others playing along.

Unlike a lot of singing competitions what I feel makes this shows great is getting ideas from the celebrity panel.

So far we have discovered two of the celebrity singers as they have now been eliminated and they were Antonio Brown an NFL player and this week Tommy Chong an Actor and Comedian and with this wide range of people means that the other contestants could be anyone.

If this show keeps being this successful, i can see it being remade in many more countries


Chicago Med: All the lonely people

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In the return of the Chicago, franchise this week there was a few stories left unfinished and MED had one of the best as we left off with Will Halsted having to go into hiding after going undercover to help put a drug lord and family friend in jail. But after a drive-by shooting puts April in the firing line and in need of emergency help but after the shooter was taken down, it was discovered he felt he was being ignored by females and wanted to act revenge after a nurse from MED turned down his offer of a date.

What makes this story smart is that during the examination from Daniel Charles the head of Psychiatry, His assistant Elsa Curry feels they should not treat him and this puts a strain of the partnership.

Well that's it for this week and with many more weeks in the current season it’s going to be interesting to see
what new shows grab my attention, what shows get removed for the schedule.

So Thank you for sticking around and I hope to see you back again
Next week.

Season 2 Episode 6:

Season 2 Episode 6:

Season 2 Episode 4: Back at it again

Season 2 Episode 4: Back at it again