
Season 5 Episode 3: Your time starts now.

Week three and still going strong. Thank you for coming back and checking out this weeks update, and if this is your first time, thank you also. I hope you find it interesting enough to keep coming back each Sunday.

Im doing well, keeping up with all my shows for the most part. The only show I have not kept up with is "Our Kind Of People." But once I have a few episodes to watch, I might binge them in one go, which might spark an interest in the show that is not there.

This week was the premiere of "Ghosts" on CBS. I have not watched it yet, but it will do very well if it's anything like the original from the UK on the BBC. I think. Anyway, lets continue with our regular segments.

I know I say this each week but it’s becoming normal for me now so, If you like what i am trying to do here and want to help with the cost as well as having your name added to the hall of fame please consider joining my Patreon it would really help. Thank you for even considering.

If you can’t afford to join the Patreon than you could always give me a quick follow on Instagram (when it’s working) this will let you know all the shows I have been watching not just a selection at the end of the week. also it’s where I post about end news regarding cancellations ,renewals or and new shows coming soon.


Renewed - Cancelled - Ordered

Approximately ten years after the original series finale, Dexter Morgan has moved to the fictional small town of Iron Lake, New York, hiding his identity under the name of Jim Lindsay, a local shopkeeper. He has developed a relationship with Angela …

Approximately ten years after the original series finale, Dexter Morgan has moved to the fictional small town of Iron Lake, New York, hiding his identity under the name of Jim Lindsay, a local shopkeeper. He has developed a relationship with Angela Bishop, the town's chief of police, and has suppressed his serial killing urges. A string of incidents around Iron Lake causes Dexter to fear that the "dark passenger" within him will reveal itself.

It’s again been a slow news week. this is going to be the norm for a few months to come.
The only morsel of news is that the Dexter “reboot” “return” whatever you want to call it “Dexter: New Blood” is going to be shown on
Sky Atlantic starting November 8th the night after the US premiere on Showtime. This is becoming normal for big shows to get shows as close to the US date a possible. long gone are the times of waiting months for a show to get a UK premiere.

And now here is what I Have Been Watching

I Have Been Watching

Family Guy – S20 E02 - Rock Hard

Fox - Animation/Comedy


It's almost a dead cert that a show will do a series of short stories within one episode. Hey, they even made a whole show based around that idea (Life is short CBS). The one that always springs to mind is the fantastic Simpson episode (22 Short Films About Springfield). And this week, it was Family Guy's turn. Each story centred on a musician. Starting with Jim Morrison, as told by Peter Griffin. They referenced jokes from previous seasons as the story unfolded, as in one scene, "Jim Morrison." I told a crowd at a gig the next song is called "Break on through", and they then cut to the Kool-aid guy in the audience having a lightbulb moment. Even though the storeys were not 100% accurate, they were still funny.

Stewie Griffin told the second story, and it was about Elton John and his partnership with his longtime songwriting partner Bernie Taupin. What makes this story is that one, it was Stewie telling the history of Elton John even though he's still a baby and second, he's telling the story of a prominent gay musician and a lot of people think that Stewie is also gay, but he does not know it yet.

The final tale was presented to us by Jerome the Clams bartender. He told the story of the first-ever rockstar "Muddy Drawers." Muddy Walter and how he sold his soul to the devil to become the best guitar player of the time. Looking at each story, it's great to see the mix of styles and artists were chosen. Even though it's not up there with The Simpsons, it's still a great episode. Hence, it shows that Family Guy can still produce exciting episodes in its 20th season.

New Amsterdam – S4 E03 - Same as it ever was

NBC - Drama

This weeks episode had a couple of stories running through it, starting with Max judging a local school science fair. Most of the entrants were big and bold and was going to make it hard for make to chose a winner, the grand prize was a large sum of money. That was until he almost walked past a student how had entered a turnip, and that court Max's attention. When he asked the student about the project, she informed him that it was better to use turnips to suture a patient than ones that connect to smartphones. After more investigation, the student tells Max that the Turnip will change colour if the wound becomes infected, so the doctor knows what is happening. With the "Smart Sutures", the hospital and doctors need a smartphone and a lot of the third world don't have access to the required smartphone. After awarding the young student the award, he tried to get the idea off the ground, even placing an order only to be told that the pharmaceutical company would not be making the product but, in fact, just putting it on a shelf so it would not conflict with one of their own best money making products. Last on in the episode; Max offers to help get this product off the ground without the help of the medical company until he is informed that the student is being sued for a substantial amount of money and when the student won't back down and wants to fight he case in the courts but is informed that she no longer owns the right to it was stated in the contract she signed to enter the science fair. Luckily Max found a way out. He bought a single share in the medical company, and therefore she can longer enter or even win. Hence, she still owns the rights to her turnip discovery.

Also, throughout this episode, some of the main cast had run-ins with a mysterious person who seemed to know a lot about them, like who they were and what department they worked in. She never reviled her name to anyone. It's not until the end of the episode that she is revealed to be Max's replacement. It also looks like she and Max might have a little bit of history.

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Chicago Fire – S10 E3 - Counting your breaths

NBC - Action/Drama

 This season has started fast. At the end of the previous season, Kelly, Joe and Capp were stuck inside an upturned boat with no visible way out and running out of air. So the season opener was always going to be an exciting episode, but what makes this show in the top five is that they have continued to after-effects into future episodes because Joe is having problems being in confined spaces but is keeping it to himself. That is until this week episode when he had to be lowered into a manhole to rescue a girl who had accidentally fallen in. After telling Kelly he was doing fine after the Boat rescue, he has to be pulled out when he panics within the hole. Back at the firehouse, Kelly has to send Joe home until he's fully ready to return.

Also, in the recent episodes, the paramedics of firehouse 51 have been stuck dealing with calls that are not actual emergencies and leaving the ambulance service stretched too thin and wait times are at their highest. After doing some research, Brett has found out that other states have introduced schemes that get volunteers or local charities to deal with the non-emergencies; the only problem is that for this to happen, she needs to get the approval of her line manager. Brett has only recently met him after she was pulled into a meeting to discuss a recent incident. When she got a call from one of the houses, firefighters needing an ambulance, and the one they called for was an hour away. So Brett decided to head over and deal with the situation. When he finally got a meeting to discuss her idea, she was told that there was no funding for it and she should come back next year when they would have more money to spend.  

Another continuing story so far this season is the three youngest in the firehouse are trying to find a way to make a little extra money on the side. They finally decide to try and sell the beer Gallo had been making. In this weeks episode, Christopher found out about this and was willing to give the beer a try and see if it would work at Molly's. The only problem would be the quantities needed to keep the bar stocked would be more than they can make in the flat's kitchen. Luckily Chris knows a guy with a local brewery that might have room to accommodate them. At the meeting to discuss the possibility of uses to space. It was revealed that the owner had inherited a large amount of money and was doing this for free beer.

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The Great North – S2 E01 - Brace/off Adventure

Fox - Animation/Comedy

Last season The great north was given a second season before the first season had premiered. After watching the first season, I was pleased with this decision as it's a great addition to the Sunday animation lineup on Fox, along with The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bob's burgers

In the opening episode of this season. Judy is excited to be visiting the dentist as she gets on well with her dentist. She is so enthusiastic that she sings about this in a musical theatre style. When the time comes, she discovers that her regular dentist is off unwell, and she is seeing the new dentist, who tells her that she can have her brace's removed. At first, Judy is unhappy about this as she believes it's become part of who she is. Also, in this episode, Judy tells her school friends about a venue a short boat trip away that is starting an open mic night and that she would try and get in even though she is underage, but would probably get turns away as only children have braces. Plus, she is scared of breaking the rules.

Also, within this episode, the families toaster they saved from a closing café caught fire and had to be replaced. It's only when the replacement also catches fire that they believe it might not be the toasters but the plug socket they are being plugged into.

At the end of the episode, we get to see Judy up on stage trying to tell some funny stories in what looks like a comedy club, only to discover it's a friends basement and that her friends' mom is also scared or rule-breaking.

For a show to stand out among the stalwarts of Sunday nights on Fox is an impressive feat. When shows have been on TV for so long, they usually make it hard for the next show to compete, but what The Great North does so well is that not only does it look different to the other shows, but it is also passed differently as well as the fact that not every family member is used in every episode so when they have an episode with a lesser-used family member it makes the show feel fresh.

Well, there we have it another week of just some of the shows I Have Been Watch.
Thank you for getting this far and I hope to see you again real soon.

Just a quick reminder (Plug) don’t forget to give my Instagram a follow and if you can
please consider joining my Patreon this will help out with cost’s and also you get your name added to the Hall of Fame.

Season 5 Episode 4: Bull, Chicago MED, The Equalizer

Season 5 Episode 4: Bull, Chicago MED, The Equalizer

Season 5 Episode 2: Fuelled by music

Season 5 Episode 2: Fuelled by music